Conversa Plugin

This is for the long and sustainable evolution of the basic things seen before. This is a paid plugin and so this would not apply to everyone.

Reference Link:

Initial Updates to DiaManager.cs

// Add to top of the script
using System;
using Conversa.Runtime.Events;

Initial Updates to DiaTrigger.cs

// Add to top of the script
using Conversa.Runtime;
using Conversa.Runtime.Events;
using Conversa.Runtime.Interfaces;


//Inside Class
[SerializeField] private Conversation conversation;
private ConversationRunner runner;


//Setting things up
private void Start()
	runner = new ConversationRunner(conversation);

Buckle up, Time for Delegates!

In javascript, you can pass a function as a variable. Not in C#. Now, you have to create a delegate. This video, up to 3:28 will explain the shenanigans. If you go past that, you will get confused.

Just the additional Script added for DiaManager.

//Adding Namespaces required
using System;


//Storing the function from the conversation starter script into this one
public delegate void NextMessageDelegate();
private NextMessageDelegate NextMessageFunction;

//Initializing it
private void Start()
    NextMessageFunction = NextMessage;

private void NextMessage()
    Debug.Log("Testing out this new thing, yo.");

//Having it as a separate function so you can drag and drop it into the PlayerInputComponent
//if the PlayerInputComponent is set to "Invoke Unity Events"
public void Advance(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx)
    if (ctx.performed)

//In the Show Message option that opens up the Dialogue box
public void Show(string actor, string message, Sprite avatar, Action onContinue)
    NextMessageFunction = () => onContinue();

Here are some failures I got when trying to set "onContinue" to a function in the DiaManager:

NextMessageFunction = onContinue();

NextMessage = onContinue;

Last updated