DiaManager.cs Alternate

NextMessageFunction keeps firing too much or something. I had to add in timers to cool it. Anyways, use this script if the first one doesn't work.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Conversa.Runtime.Events;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;

using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class DiaManager : MonoBehaviour
    //UI GameObjects
    public Image Portrait;
    public TMP_Text ActorNameText;
    public TMP_Text MessageText;
    public RectTransform MessageBackgroundBox;

    public GameObject ActorsPanel;
    public GameObject DialogueUI;

    //Input System Connection
    private PlayerInput playerInput;
    private bool allowNext = true;
    private float timer;
    private Action action;

    //Storing the function from one script into this one
    public delegate void NextMessageDelegate();
    private NextMessageDelegate NextMessageFunction;

    //Initial State of the Game
    private void Start()
        //I've put the playerInput component on the Player GameObject, hence the tag
        playerInput = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerInput>();

        NextMessageFunction = NextMessage;

    private void NextMessage()
        Debug.Log("Testing out this new thing, yo.");

    //Hiding the Dialogue UI
    public void Hide()
        //First, check if the Dialogue UI is open in the scene
        if (DialogueUI.activeInHierarchy == true)

    public void HideAtEnd()
        TimTheTimer(ControlUIAllowNext, 0.2f);
        TimTheTimer(Hide, 0.25f);

    public void Advance(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx)
        if (ctx.started)
            if (allowNext == true)
                TimTheTimer(ControlUIAllowNext, 0.2f);

    private void TimTheTimer(Action action, float timer)
        allowNext = false;
        this.action = action;
        this.timer = timer;

    private void ControlUIAllowNext()
        allowNext = true;

    private void Switchy()
        //This switches to the non-UI actionmap created for the player moving in the world

    private void Update()
        timer -= Time.deltaTime;
        if (timer < 0 && allowNext == false)
            //Trigger the Action

    public void Show(string actor, string message, Sprite avatar, Action onContinue)
        MessageText.text = message;

        //Check if avatar should be hidden
        if (avatar != null)
            UpdateActor(avatar, actor);

        TimTheTimer(ControlUIAllowNext, 0.2f);

        NextMessageFunction = () => onContinue();

    private void UpdateActor(Sprite sprite, string actor)
        Portrait.sprite = sprite;
        ActorNameText.text = actor;



DiaTrigger.CS Alternate

Change just this one function to have the new one created in the DiaManager.CS alternate script.

    private void HandleEnd()

Last updated